Rules of Discipline
- Every student must carry his/her diary and Identity Card/ Name Badge to
school every day. The warning bell is the signal for the children to
collect in the ground and occupy the places and positions assigned to
Students must reach the school on time and be regular in attendance,
latecomers will be penalized with a fine.
The attendance at the school functions is compulsory.
No half-day or short leave is granted. The child may not come to school
if required to be at home for a part of the day.
A student must have at-least 75% of the attendance during the year to be
eligible to appear for the CBSE and Annual Examinations.
Every student must be in neat and tidy uniform. Those in improper
uniform will be fined and sent back home.
The children should greet the teachers gracefully when they first meet
Students are required to converse in English during the school hours.
The children must observe silence in the class and in the verandas and
The children must refrain from spreading litter in the school premises
and grounds.
No books other than the text-books or library books may be brought to
the school without the permission of the Head of the School.
Pupils are strictly forbidden the purchases from unauthorized dealers in
or near the school premises.
The school is not responsible for goods lost. It is not advisable for
the children to bring valuable articles to the School.
Students are expected to behave properly in and outside the class and
must not damage or disfigure the school property. Parents will be liable
to make good any loss or damage to the school property through the
willful mischief or negligence of their ward.
Students are responsible to school authorities for their conduct not
only in the school but also for their general behavior outside. Any
reported or observed objectionable conduct outside the school on the
part of the pupils will make them liable to disciplinary action. It is
expected that through their good behavior they must enhance the prestige
of the school.
Any incident even outside the school which brings discredit to the
institution either because of its unpleasant nature or if it invites
criminal or legal action by the police or a court will be severely dealt
with and the student responsible may be dismissed from school without
further inquiry.
Parents are advised to inform the Principal about the problems I they
may be facing or may have been facing regarding their children bearing
in mind that it is only with the sincerity and openness of the parents
that the school will be able to help their child to become a
well-adjusted personality and a strong character with right attitudes.
Needless to say the disclosures made will be treated with utmost
All care is taken to avoid mishaps on the way to or from the school in
our buses; when the child is in the school, at play or in the class room
or when he is on an outing or trip organized by the school, no
responsibility is accepted for any unforeseen happening caused inspire
of the usual care. The parents have to sign a declaration to this effect
as given in the admission form.
Every precaution is taken to avoid accidents. If immediate
hospitalization becomes necessary it may be one before the parents/
guardians are informed. First aid will be provided in the nearest
hospital/dispensary/clinic available. Hospital expenses must be borne by
the guardians concerned.
Safety of each student is a major concern of the school. Therefore the
following should be strictly observed:
Students will wear the identity card with the school uniform.
Parents of pre-primary students are required to teach their
children their name, address and telephone number.
If the child has to go to a place other than the normal one, a
note from the parents must be sent to the school requesting
permission and stating the reason for the child to go to a
different address after school.
To safeguard against kidnapping prevalent these days, the
parents should escort their wards to and from the school.
The school reserves the right to dismiss a student whose progress in
studies is unsatisfactory or whose conduct‘is anti-social or
A child, who has been suffering from any infectious or contagious
disease or has been exposed to it at home, must complete the quarantine
period before rejoining the school. She/he will, be allowed to re-attend
the school only when a qualified medical practitioner testifies that
he/she is free from the infection.
No child is exempted from games and physical training except for medical
It is imperative for a child to show a good record of participation in
some extra-curricular activities.
Celebrations like Birthday parties are not permitted in the school.
Food items containing meat and eggs are not permitted in the school. The
students are not allowed to bring cakes, pastries etc. made up of eggs.
Parents’ cooperation is required in this regard.
A student coming late will have to pay a fine of Rs. 2 and get a receipt
for it. This amount will be credited to Slum Welfare Fund. Habitual
latecomers will have to face disciplinary action.
There will be no retest in any subject. Absence from any test or
examination in one or more subjects involves loss of marks/ grades 1n
those subjects. A student absent from an examination will not be
re-examined. However, if a student has not been able to taken
examination, in circumstances beyond his control but has secured the
required percentage of marks in other examinations his promotion may be
decided by the Principal based on his/her past record.
A child’s absence immediately before or after a holiday will be viewed
seriously and be fined heavily.
If a student fails in a class twice he/she will not be allowed to
continue in the school.
- No cash payments should be made to anyone in the School without a
request/demand for it from the Principal in writing.