Bus:- The schools have a fleet of buses which are used for
transport of students from and to their homes.
Students’ Club:- There is a Students Club which meets
quite often and besides sharing news, Views, jokes and academic matters,
the participants discuss their problems Visa-Vis studies, cultural
programmes, difficulties faced by them and report to the authorities.
Students’ Council:- One student from each section is
selected to represent his section. The selection is not based on merely
academic merit. They are selected on the basis of qualities of
leadership and excellence in extra-curricular activities also. These
Students participate in the administration of the school and at the
school functions.
Science Clubs:- There is a juniors’ Science Club (Stds. 6
to 8) and a seniors’ Science Club (Stds. 9 upwards). It is to help the
students with potential to discuss topics given in science magazines the
clubs meet every fortnight.
English Clubs:- There are separate English Clubs for
juniors and seniors 1n which students are encouraged to read, recite and
write in English.
Eco Club:- Eco Club of the school 18 sponsored by the
Department of Environment, Govt. of NCT, Delhi to sensitized the
students on environmental issues. The Club has been holding various
activities successfully.
Value Education:- Value Education is provided in a secular
way as indicated in the Humanistic Prayers and Hymns the books
prescribed deal with the values embodied 1n the prayers.